Cartographies of the Mexican Avant-Garde: A Map of Post-Revolutionary Cultural Aesthetics
Gabriel Figueroa’s City: Mapping Mexico’s Cinematic Golden Age in its Urban Turn
La Romita: A Place Apart
Mini Maps
Ni 43 NI 68: A Letter on a Fool's Stationary
Note: click on the above link and it will take you to a google map that layers the three novels mapped in the "Novelisitic Catographies" project. Underneath, you can go to the google map for each novel individually.
Celorio, Gonzalo. "Y retretiemble en sus centros la tierra." México: Tusquets, 1999
Plaza Carso and the Privatization of Public Space
The Phantasmagoria of Plaza Carso: Mapping Iconic Place and Commodity Fetishism
The Capitalist Global System: Plaza Carso and Fernando Romero
Transforming Urban Space in Four Mexico City Neighborhoods: Citizen Responses to Insecurity
Santa Fe, Mexico City: Globalization and Garbage
Variations on Flânerie in the Mexico City Novel
Celorio, "Y retiemble..."