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Cartographies of the Mexican Avant-Garde:  A Map of Post-Revolutionary Cultural Aesthetics 


Gabriel Figueroa’s City: Mapping Mexico’s Cinematic Golden Age in its Urban Turn


Los Olvidados


La Romita:  A Place Apart


Mini Maps


Ni 43 NI 68: A Letter on a Fool's Stationary


Novelisitic Catographies


Note:  click on the above link and it will take you to a google map that layers the three novels mapped in the "Novelisitic Catographies" project.  Underneath, you can go to the google map for each novel individually.  


Los deseos y su sombra

Celorio, Gonzalo.  "Y retretiemble en sus centros la tierra." México: Tusquets, 1999


Plaza Carso and the Privatization of Public Space


Locating Plaza Carso


The Phantasmagoria of Plaza Carso:  Mapping Iconic Place and Commodity Fetishism


The Capitalist Global System:  Plaza Carso and Fernando Romero


Transforming Urban Space in Four Mexico City Neighborhoods:  Citizen Responses to Insecurity


Santa Fe, Mexico City:  Globalization and Garbage


Variations on Flânerie in the Mexico City Novel


Celorio, "Y retiemble..."



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