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City Lab Attendence Policy


City Lab is a research workshop.  It breaks from the regular routine of the typical DePauw classroom.  Each class participating in the workshop has its formal day and time for meeting as a class.  During those "class" sessions, we will have the workshop space just for ourselves.  You are expected to be present and prepared for each of these "class" sessions; approach them as you would a regular DePauw class.  During these sesssions we will take time to discuss our process, make sure everyone is on the same parge, here progress reports on your research, and discuss common readings. For these sessions, only university sanctioned absences are "excused" absences, and they are the only ones that are "okay."  The instructor will monitor class attendance, and if a student is missing enough sessions to threaten a grade reduction, the instructor will notify the student.  As a general rule, do not skip class.  For more information on DePauw's general attendance policy, please see:


An important part of the City Lab pedagogy is the "classroom without walls" concept.  The idea is that the workshop is a continuously ongoing learning environment.  Students are expected to participate in the workshop beyond the formal "class" sessions.  Participation includes activities like:  using City Lab as a work space for your project; working with other students in the workshop who have common projects; conducting tutorials about  your topic for other students; facilitating a discussion of City Lab material; doing peer critiques of essays; watching a video; sponsoring a discussion session with faculty and students not formally enrolled in City Lab, etc.  These activities are the guts of the research lab.  It's where the deep learning happens, where you can take ownership of your education, and truly engage in the material you are studying.  The workshop space also provides an opportunity to learn how to better work in groups and develop collaborative skills.  

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