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The City Lab workshop follows an integrated studies model.  It aims to create a classroom without walls in the tradition of liberal edcuation.  It integrates DePauw's academic disciplines and programs, as well as extra-curriucular offerings.

Latin American Carribean Studies

Environmental Fellows

Management Fellows

Global Public Health

Asian Studies

Africana Studies

Media Studies

City Lab Workshop

Conflict Studies

Students approach the workshop from the perspective of their academic discipline or program.  They select a topic of interest from their course of study at DePauw that is pertinent to the common workshop research agenda.  

Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

The workshop brings together students at the introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels. Introductory students learn complexity thinking, intermediate students learn urban studies, and advanced students engage in specialized topics.  Each level is responsible for bringing their course learning to the workshop and will teach others about the material they learn. 

The 100, 200, and 300 level courses each have traditional time-banks when the class meets collectively.  It is time for planning and organizing the group's contribution to City Lab, as well as discussion and instruction about workshop material.

Students bring insights and experiences from their academic discipline and co-curricular experiences to the workshop.  A management student, for example, teaches and learns from a Conflict Studies student.   

The City of London 

The workshop also operates outside of the time-bank.  This workshop time is when the real work of City Lab takes place.  This common time is when the 100, 200, and 300 levels interact, and when groups form to work on particular lines of inquiry and analysis. The instructor will be available to work with individuals and groups during this common time. 


Perhaps the best way to learn about the City Lab experience is to hear from students who have participated in the City Lab workshop.  


Polo Burguete


Annie Dixon


Adam Folta


Yuka Kitajima


Megan Mccan


Tristan Stamets


Sarah White

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